Reducing the number of prisoners subjected to solitary confinement A faster inmate screening process to help focus limited resources, featuring Maaike Helmus.
Legal advice for citizens facing police 'street checks' A 'lawyer in your pocket' smartphone app developed by a law student who had himself been a victim of a legal rights violation.
App that could expose ‘sell-out’ politicians Making it easy to view the monetary contributions made by different industries to specific politicians, featuring Nick Rubin.
Local history provided for bus commuters via MP3 download A portable tour guide that synchronises with specific bus journeys, featuring Lili Golmohammadi.
Documenting public disengagement with UK voting system Using notated photography to depict non-voters and their reasons for loosing confidence in the UK political system, featuring Denise Felkin.
International flag of planet Earth concept Thinking differently about how space travel might be represented, featuring Oskar Pernefeldt.
Vet clinic for pets of homeless people An Initiative to provide free healthcare for the pets of vulnerably housed people, featuring 'Vets in the Community'.